Customer Testimonials

At Mike Hamad Upholstery we pride ourselves in seeking feedback and performance evaluations after we finish a project. Customer opinions are important to us throughout the entire project – beginning to end. It is important to us that our customers are happy with their projects and if possible, we ask them to use a review platform and give customer testimonials to get our new potential clients reassurance that we perform great work!

We just had a camelback couch that we enjoyed and wanted to keep using reupholstered by Mike and Haas. They let us browse their extremely large fabric library (an entire room!) until we found the perfect fabric that would work for us. They listened to our concerns and likes and did a fantastic job in meeting those, and delivered a final product that is exactly what we wanted. We will be using their services again every time we need them!
–Denton Newman Jr

We were seeking to have four dining room chairs recovered, with some significant alterations to the design. The entire process with Mike Hamad Upholstery was characterized by personalized care, attention to our desires, suggestions to make the project possible, support for choosing a fabric (the thousands of choices are at times overwhelming). We were kept in the loop, and the communication was exceptional.
–Gary Oftedahl

Just the best! They have tackled two complete motorhome remodels for us and did a fabulous job. The inside of a twenty year old motorhome looks like brand new. Highly recommended!!!
–Dennis O. Johnson

I brought in a love seat with awfully dated fabric, but good bones, and they transformed it. to meet its full potential. The quality of their work and the attention to detail is extraordinary.
–Liz Toftness

We’ve used Mike and his team multiple times and always get great service! I would recommend them to anyone, they are fast, fair, and friendly!
–Andrew Miltimore

They do great work and are very accommodating and friendly. They get all my work.
–Brooke Silvernail
Awesome! They fixed the torn seat on my 2007 Toyota tundra. It looks absolutely brand new!!!!!!!
–Donald Underwood

Fantastic repair job done on my truck seat. I highly recommend this shop to everyone.
–Flo Harrison

Did a great job with car seat heaters.
–Cliff Juhlke